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Work-Life Balance

The first ingredient of happiness is mood

Are you feeling happy today? If you are in a bad mood, it can be difficult to think about moods. Take a deep breath and sip your Monday morning coffee if you feel better. WHY MOOD MATTERS Moods can be short-term mental states that have a…

Balance between work and life is vital

Our lives are shaped by work. Earnings ensure that the lights are on, food is on the table, and the rainy day pot is filled. In today's fast-paced, unpredictable business world, it is not easy to find work-life balance. It is becoming…

The Importance Of Workplace Wellbeing

THE IMPORTANCE MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH 61% employers believe that communication about benefits and wellness programmes will be a top priority in the coming year - Willis Towers Watson A successful company depends on its employees…

How can we increase our response rate?

We talk with organisations often about their response rates. They've often run surveys in the past that didn't get enough responses and felt it wasn't worth their time. We understand! It is demoralizing to invest time and effort in creating…

How to Create Psychological Safety at work

The world of work is in flux. It feels like change, uncertainty and anxiety are high. All of these factors mean that there is a lot of talk around HR circles about resilience and how you can build it. I sat down to talk to our customer team…