How to motivate people during periods of change

The future is becoming more uncertain. External factors can have a significant impact on our businesses. The uncertainty around the future of work and Coronavirus can instantly change the environment we work in. Recent evidence indicates that there will be more shockwaves and change in our businesses over five years than in the past five.

External factors can also cause organisational turmoil. Cutbacks, mergers and acquisitions can all have an impact on your organization and its employees. To keep staff motivated, engaged and able to cope with change, business leaders must be able to guide them through times of change.


We often speak to people when there is a change. This allows us to filter information through our personal experiences, which can lead to distorted conclusions and action plans. We only see a part of the story. This can lead us to make narrow, one-dimensional plans. While some people may follow our example, it is unlikely that everyone will.

Keep in mind how long it takes to have these conversations, consolidate your thoughts, build a rapport, create an action plan, and then communicate and execute all of it. This process can take weeks. Consider how much time and energy it takes to create a potential one-eyed perspective.

A senior leader will usually receive all the information necessary to understand a company’s financial performance when they join a new company. They will have a good understanding of the P&L and can begin to develop strategies and action plans based on it. We shouldn’t expect the same level of detail about our people, culture and leadership.


P&L.20 measures your business’s greatest asset, its “People and Leaders.”

Implementing regular feedback surveys that your employees can access you will be able understand the culture of your company. The insights can be combined with traditional P&L to provide more context and help you understand why the numbers are so important. You will have a staff-centred view that covers your entire organization.

This insight will help you analyse and manage your organisation’s culture and engagement. While you can still meet and greet (video calling), it will now be more about action and ideas than fact-finding.

These 5 areas will help you keep staff motivated during periods of change:


Your staff is like a ship, and your vision is the compass. Your ship may drift aimlessly if it doesn’t have a compass.

Clear vision gives your employees direction and clarity about the company’s long-term objectives. People are more motivated to participate in difficult times if they believe in the company vision.

A universal understanding of your organisational vision will provide you with motivation and guidance. It will also help you to create cultural alignment.


To be able to accurately understand your company’s cultural health, it is important to collect regular feedback.

Even if you disagree with their feedback, it is important to accept that what they are saying istheir reality. This will help you motivate your team through change.

Do not criticize someone’s feelings or reprimand them if they have different views. You will be able to recognize, understand and accept the differences in your employees and better position yourself to take corrective action. This will allow you to effectively address concerns and build upon successes.


Your people will see you as a mysterious name at the top email. How can you motivate them?

In today’s connected world, communication is more important than ever. Two-way communication is about receiving feedback and openly sharing your ideas, thoughts, and inspirations. This will help your team feel valued and engaged, which in turn will motivate them. Regularly communicate with your team members and establish systems that allow everyone to reach you. This will foster trust and freedom in both the creators and users.

Communication preferences vary among people. Find out what communication style works for you and your team. Keep everyone informed about progress, achievements, and future goals. Everyone will succeed if there is a clear and transparent view.


It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the task of leading your team through periods of change. Think about other role models that you can look up to. This will allow more people to feel empowered and can be shared. It will also help build momentum.

Many people enjoy the chance to make changes and can be positive about facing new challenges. These characters can be used as role models or motivators. These characters should not be your senior colleagues. In fact, they may be your most resistant to change. You can inspire your people more when you have a wider range of people to help them through times of change.


According to change management theory, people move at their own pace through the process. A regular pulse can help you determine where your employees are at.

You can help people move faster and at a pace they can handle. Real-time feedback and insight is the best way to manage and implement change effectively and efficiently.