The first ingredient of happiness is mood

Are you feeling happy today? If you are in a bad mood, it can be difficult to think about moods. Take a deep breath and sip your Monday morning coffee if you feel better.


Moods can be short-term mental states that have a long-term impact on our overall well being. Although we may be able to recognize what triggers moods, they are often born at a deeper level.

Moods, which are basically an unfocused state in consciousness, are the most powerful manipulators on Earth! They can control our thoughts, behaviours and feelings. They do an incredible job and can change how we view our situations. We tend to interpret every situation in a way that suits our mood. The expression think happy thoughts is much more than a simple saying.

If you’re in a bad mood, it is more likely that you will interpret comments from your boss or colleagues in a negative light. It’s best to build a relationship with your moods before they become invisible, but powerful, enemies.


Positive moods can have a positive impact on mental and physical health, work, and relationships. Moderation is key to mood improvement. We are all guilty of feeling depressed, anxious, and stressed out. The same goes for an abundance happiness. A happy-mood overload can lead to a ‘La La Land’, also known scientifically as a manic episode. Extreme/risky behavior can result.

A negative side effect of our positive outlook is the “disconnection” it causes with those around us. Our inability to see the world around us can lead to apathy and a loss of empathy. Everyone knows someone who is so positive and happy that they drive us crazy in every situation.

To be clear, always feeling happy is a sign of serious mental illness. All moods are important for a healthy person. The happiness index’s motto is “Freedom to be human” and encourages people to accept their true selves. We cannot thrive if we don’t celebrate and access our whole selves.


Everyone hates being unhappy and in bad moods. But the truth is that while some can be troubling (especially if they last too long or are too intense), others can open doors to self-compassion, growth, and even a chance for you to be happy. These can help you to get closer to yourself, bring you into your own depths, and allow you to reevaluate your life and make changes. Research shows that friends who are in a low mood or vulnerable are more likely to be loyal. Let’s embrace this new state of awakening and not be afraid to make the most of it.

I do not want to ignore the possibility of intense bad moods. Negative moods can lead to negative situations which, in turn, will reinforce our moods. It can lead to a vicious circle, e.g. If you are in a bad mood, you will be less likely to be there. Your productivity also decreases. You may miss a deadline or fail to complete a project. This will continue for longer periods of time and require more effort and persistence to change. We need to manage our bad moods first. Our biology and a little bit of willpower can help us overcome the rest.

Let’s look at how we can address our moods:


We all need attention and acceptance for our moods, feelings and emotions. Take a few moments to recognize your mood and look at it like an object that you are trying to understand. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel it. Take a deep breath, feel your mood, and then accept it. To create change, get to know your moods first.


Your thoughts and beliefs can influence your mood. You can alter your mood by identifying beliefs and thoughts that support it (e.g. “I will be fired,” “My boss doesn’t like my” or “I’m good for nothing.” Write down the things that come to mind when you feel like it and then evaluate them. You will be surprised at how unrealistic many of these ideas are. We tend to expect too much from ourselves, and magnify or minimize negative comments or situations.

Remember the time you were given by your manager a list of achievements and some feedback about ‘room to improve’. Some people can’t help but think about the ‘room to improve’ comment for hours. Others won’t remember it after just a few minutes. It’s important to recognize your beliefs and thoughts, and then evaluate how true they are. You’ll be amazed at how many things you consider a disaster are actually just your thoughts.


It is difficult to take action when you are feeling bad, especially if you are not in the right mood.

When you feel in a negative mood, it is best to either do something you enjoy or make someone smile. These two simple steps can make a huge difference in your mood. You can help your staff lift their spirits by giving them a task that they excel at. Ask them if you’re not able to see their strengths and if they are new to you.

You can always explain your feelings to someone you trust if you are unable to do any of these things. You need someone who won’t judge you, give advice, or make fun of your mood. It’s not important to explain why your mood is, but to describe what it feels like, how it affects you, and how you feel. It looks like a red cloud …” When you are done explaining, you will feel happier.


These tips should help you have more control over your moods. Next, we’ll explore another aspect of happiness: Mindfulness and the art of doing nothing. It can be used in different ways by companies to create happy workplaces.